Вивчаємо Чарльза Діккенса
- удосконалювати навички усного та діалогічного мовлення за темою;
- розвивати граматичні вміння вживання used to;
- сприяти розвитку мовленнєвої компетентності на прикладі утворення заперечень і запитань із used to.
: розвивати швидку мовленнєву реакцію, пізнавальну активність, уміння логічного викладу думок із теми, інтерес до власної літератури та літератури, мова якої вивчається.Виховна: розвивати загальнокультурні вміння спілкуватися з людьми, виховувати почуття ввічливості у стосунках з оточуючими, уміння бути дисциплінованими й уважними, сприяти розширенню кругозору учнів.
Обладнання та матеріали: підручник, робочі зошити, тематичні картинки (портрети Чарльза Діккенса), роздавальний матеріал із теми, магнітофон та аудіокасета (GO! 3).
I. Організаційний момент.
Вступна частина. Уведення в мовне середовище
Good afternoon, students!
Glad to see you!
How are you?
Today on our lesson we are talking about Charles Dickens and Dicken's London.
Proverbs: «Reading doesn't make a man wise, it only makes him learned».
«Choose an author as you choose a friend».
Warming up
Connect the information below:
Writers Settings Characters
Miguel England Mavka
de Cervantes
Charles Dickens Ukraine Don Quixote
Lesya Ukrainka Spain Oliver Twist
Work in pairs:
1. What kinds of stories do you enjoy most?
2. Who is your favourite writer?
3. Have you read any books in English? Which ones?
4. What is the best book you've ever read?
What kinds of stories do you know?
Stories: Adjectives:
Boring adventure
Crime educational
detective exciting
ghost fantastic
historical romantic
horror outstanding
love scary
spy fascinating
travel imaginative
science fiction funny
II. Основна частина
1.1. Учні презентують підготовлені проектні роботи про життя та творчість Чарльза Діккенса, а потім захищають їх. Приклад.
Charles Dickens began to write at a time when the labour movement, known as the Chartist movement, was at its height. Continuous demonstrations in defense of workers' rights took place in many manufacturing towns and in London as well. The actions of the Chartists had considerable effect on Dickens. Though he did not believe in revolutionary action, he was on the side of the people with all his heart. He wanted what the people wanted.
Dickens wrote about the poorest, the most unprivileged sections of the population. He looked into the darkest corners of the large cities and there found the victims of capitalism. Thus Dickens's immortal works became an accusation of the bourgeois system as a whole.
Charles Dickens was born in 1812 near Portsmouth on the southern coast of England. His father was a clerk at the office of a large naval station there, and the family lived on his small salary. They belonged to the lower middle class. The father was transferred from place to place and there was always talk between the parents about money.
Charles was very young when the family moved to the naval port of Chatham. There Charles and his eldest sister first went to school. Charles had a nurse called Marry Weller, who used to say about him that 'he was a terrible boy to read' and that he and his sister were fond of singing, reciting poems and acting.
The happy days at Chatham came to an end in 1822 when the father was moved to London. The Dickenses rented a house in one of the poorest parts of London.
Charles loved to walk about the busy streets and watch the lively street scenes. Charles was the eldest son, but he was not sent to school again. The father made no plans for the education of his children. He was an easy-going man who always spent more time than he could afford. Soon he lost his job.
All the property the family has was sold, even Charles's favourite books, and the boy was put to work in a blacking factory. He worked hard washing bottles for shoe-polish. While his father, mother, sisters and brothers all lived in the Marshalsea debtors' prison.
The long working hours at the factory, the poor food, the rough boys. He could never forget. He later described this unhappy time in David Copperfield.
Dickens visited his parents in the prison on Sundays. There he saw many others prisoners, and learned their stories. The debtors' prison is described in the Pickwick Papers and in the novel Little Dorrit.
In about a year the Dickenses received a small sum of money after the death of a relative, so all the debts were paid.
Charles got a chance to go to school again. This time he was sent to a very old-fashioned school called Wellington House Academy.
1.2. Учні презентують підготовлені відомі вирази Чарльза Діккенса та коментують їх.
- A man who could build a church, as one may say, by squinting at a sheet of paper.
- Accidents will occur in the best regulated families.
- I do not know the American gentleman, god forgive me for putting two such words together.
- No one is useless in this world, who lightens the burdens of another.
- Reflect on your present blessings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.
- Subdue your appetites, my dears, and you've conquered human nature.
- Train up a fig tree in the way it should go, and when you are old sit under the shade of it.
- We need never be ashamed of our tears.
- It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest than I go to, than I have ever known.
Parliament - 1) the group of people who are elected to make a country's lows and discuss important national affairs; 2) the main law-making institution in the UK, which consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
Candle - a long piece of wax with a piece of string through the middle, which you burn to use as light.
Horse - a large strong animal that people ride and use for pulling heavy thing.
Cart - a vehicle with no roof that is pulled by a horse and used for carrying heavy things.
Читання тексту Dicken's London і його обговорення.
Charles Dickens was one of Britain's most famous writers. He wrote stories about life in London, where he lived.
London was a very unpleasant place 150 years ago. Poor children used to start work when they were six. If their parents died, they used to go into workhouses, where they worked ten or twelve hours a day for little food. Many children died.
Dickens had a hard life. His parents lost their money, so he started work at the age of twelve. He used to walk ten kilometers a day to work in a factory. He earned 30p a week.
Later, he became a journalist and reported events in Parliament. He used to write his Parliamentary reports in the morning and his novels in the afternoon. (Writers at those days didn't use to earn a lot of money).
Dickens wrote a lot of famous novels - for example David Copperfield, A Christmas Carol, and Great Expectations. One of his most famous books was Oliver Twist, a story about a boy's life in the workhouse and on the streets of London. Dickens lived in Doughty Street, London, from 1837 to 1839; His house is now the Dickens Museum.
Charles Dickens was born in 1812 and died in 1870.
Усні відповіді на запитання:
1. How old was Dickens when he first lived in Doughty Street?
2. Was London a nice place 150 years ago?
3. How old was Dickens when he started work?
4. Why did he start work at this age?
5. How much did he earn in his first job?
6. What did Dickens do in Parliament?
7. What kind of books did he write?
Used to
We use used to to talk about things that happened regularly in the past but not longer happen now.
Example. We used to live in a crowded flat and now we have a comfortable house.
I used to like horror films when I was young.
Робота з граматичними правилами.
Children used to start work at the age of six.
Circle the correct answer.
- Did this happen in the past? Yes / No
- Did it happen often? Yes / No
- Does it happen now? Yes / No
Exploring Grammar
Used to
Grammar Reference
Look at the examples below. Which talk(s) about:
- a past state or habit that doesn't happen any more?
- action/event that happened at a specific time in the past?
People used to travel/traveled by coach re~ but now they don't - they use cars didn't use to have/didn't have running after or electricity, (but now they do) - went to the 'Victorian Experience' - museum last weekend. NOT: John used to go.
Find examples of past states/habits in the text.
Use the prompts to make sentences about life 100 years ago. Use used to/didn't use to.
1. Children play in the streets/not watch TV.
2. People write letters/not send emails.
3. People travel by ship/not travel by plane.
4. Poor people not do any sport/work long hours.
5. People read a lot/not go cinema.
Children used to play in the streets. They didn't use to watch TV.
1) Work in pairs. Use these ideas as well as your own to find out what your partner used to do when he/she was six.
- fight with other children;
- do a lot of sport;
- watch a lot of TV;
- play in the street;
- go to bed early;
- help in the kitchen.
A: Did you use to fight with other children when you were six?
B: No, I didn't. Did you...
2) Fill in the gaps with used to the correct form and the verb in brackets.
A: Grandma, what 1) did you use to do (you/do) for fun when you were young?
B: Well, we
2) (not/watch TV) because we didn't have one in those days. We
3) (play) outside a lot and we
4) (go) for long walks in the countryside.
A: 5) (you/listen) to the radio?
B: Yes, we did and we
6) (read) books and play card games, too.
A: Which was your favourite?
B: I 7) (love) playing 'Old Maid'. I can teach you how to play it if you want.
Виконання письмового завдання
Write sentences about Dickens' London using used to. Use the information in the text.
1. Poor children (start) work when they were six.
2. If their parents died, the children (go) into the workhouse.
3. In the workhouse, they (work) ten or twelve hours a day.
4. They (not / get) a lot of food.
5. Charles Dickens (walk) ten kilometers to work.
6. He (earn) 30p a week.
Talk about you. Think of three things which you used to do, but don't do now.
Використання в усному мовленні used to.
Учні говорять про речі, які вони робили в минулому, але сьогодні не роблять.
Прослуховування інформації, яку розповідає гід про життя в Лондоні в часи Діккенса.
The museum guide is going to talk about life in Dickens' London. In pairs, decide what she is going to say about these things: candle, long dress, train, horse and cart.
Listen and compare your answers with what the guide said.
Life in Dickens' England was difficult for many people. Of course, there weren't any cars, so people used to travel by horse and cart. This sometimes caused problems. If you wanted to cross the street, someone used to clean the street for you with a brush before you crossed the road ... and of course they didn't use to have electricity so when you were traveling in your horse and cart, a person used to walk in front of you carrying a torch ... Long distance travel wasn't too difficult, everybody used to travel by train and there were a lot of trains then ... Women used to wear very long dresses, which weren't very comfortable. Short dresses didn't exist at all in Dickens' England ... and of course in the evening, when you went to bed, you used to use a candle. People used to read and write using candles because there were no electric lights. They didn't have electric lights at all.
III. Заключна частина
1. Підбиття підсумку уроку.
Now you can:
- Talk about life in the past.
- Use future tenses more effectively.
- Describe what objects are made of.
- Talk about Charles Dickens' life.
- Talk about life in London 150 years ago.
- Report what somebody said.
2. Оцінювання та коментар навчальних досягнень учнів за підсумками роботи на уроці.
Автор: А. Ворон