Оцініть публікацію

The World of Money


to develop students' reading, writing and speaking skills;

to enlarge the students' knowledge on the topic;

to practice grammar;

to develop communicative skills;

to develop the chief traits of a person's character: kindness, tact, polite ness, tolerance.

Equipment: texts for reading, proverbs cut in two parts.


I. Introduction

Good morning, dear friends! The topic of today's lesson is "The World of Money". We shall read the text about the role of money in the past and today, we shall discuss some problems and I suppose have a very interesting lesson.

II. Warming - up

T: Money is very important in the life of people, so there are a lot of words and word combinations with the word "money". Let us see if you remember these words. So look at the ABC and try to say a noun or a verb associated with the topic of our lesson.

  • A - account
  • B - bank, buy, budget
  • C - credit, coin
  • D - discount, dollar, debt
  • E - earn, economic
  • F - finances
  • G - gold, gain, guarantee
  • H - hrivna
  • I - income, inflation, invest
  • J - jack-pot
  • K - key-money
  • L - lend, loan
  • M - money, mortgage
  • N - note
  • O - owe, outlay
  • P - pay, payment,
  • R - rent, rate, recession
  • S - sale, stock, saving account
  • T - tax, trade
  • U - use, umpire
  • V - value
  • W - withdraw money

Well done! You were great! Now the next task:

try to make word- combination with these word combinations: Enough money, much money, little money, pocket money, a lot of money, to need money, to spend money, to get money, to lend money

T: Great! People have created different proverbs and sayings about money. Look at the halves of the proverbs and join them correctly.

1. Money spent on the brain.....
2. No money,....
3. A fool and his money.....
4. Time is....
5. Lend your money ......
a) are soon parted.
b) is never spent in vain.
c) money.
d) and loose your friend.
e) no honey.

Keys: !-b, 2-e, 3-a, 4-c, 5-d

(Students read the proverbs, explain how they understand them and give their Ukrainian equivalents of the proverbs if they know) Thanks.

III. Reading

Pre-reading activity

T: Before reading the text, skim it and answer the following questions:

1. What were the types of ancient money?
2. How do we call places we can change hryvnias into other currency?
3. How can people pay for goods and services?


When people make more production they need, they want to exchange it for something else. But what to do if the product is big and heavy? So people invent money. We use it to buy and sell goods and make savings.

In old time in different countries there were various types money: animal skins and cattle, cocoa beans and salt, shells and stones....

In our land our grandfathers used grain, fur skins and later-gold. In Kyivan Rus' money was called "hryvnia" and now we have hryvnas too.

Paper banknotes and metal coins are easy to hold, to save, to transfer and to use. That is why they replaced old kind of money. Every country has its type of money that is called "a money unit"

When people travel from one state to another, they need to exchange money. There is an exchange rate for this. It is approximately equal all over the world for main money units at a certain moment of time, but changes from day to day. The exchange rate depends on the situation in currency market.

In Ukraine, like in other countries of the world, we may change hryvnas into other currency in banks or special booths called "Bureau de change". They give a receipt in which it is written how much money you give, what the current exchange rate is and how much foreign currency you receive. But in Ukraine you can not use foreign currency to buy something or to pay for any service. You must use hryvnas only.

You may pay in cash (notes or coins), by cheques or credit cards. If you have a bank account, you are given a cheque- book and when you need to pay it is necessary to write the sum, sign the cheque, pull it out of the book and give to the seller.

If you have a special account for a credit card, you give your card to the seller who fixes it and then takes the sum off your account. He gives you a bill as to other customers. If you need to take cash from credit card account, you may get it from a bank or a bankomat.

A bancomat is a device a bit bigger than a public telephone. You put your card into slot, type your pin code, press some buttons to let the machine know what some of money you need, take your card and receipt back and receive your cash from the bankomat.

Post reading activity

1. Finish the statements.

When people make more production they need....
We use money to...
In old time in different countries there were....
Paper banknote and metal coins are easy ...
When people travel from one state to another they need....
The exchange rate depends on....
In Ukraine we may change hryvnias into another currency in...

2. Give the definition of the following:

"A money unit" is...
"An exchange rate" is...
"Bureau de change" is...
"A bank receipt" is ...
"A cheque-book" is...
"A credit card" is...
"A bankomat" is...
"A bank commission" is...

IV. Dramatising the dialogues

T: Imagine that you are in the bank and want to exchange hryvnias into other currency. Make similar dialogues and dramatise them.


- Can I help you?
- Hello, I'd like to change hryvnias to dollars. What's the exchange rate today?
- One dollar to five hryvnias and 05 kopecs
- What is your commission?
- 1 per cent.
- All right. Here is five thousand one hundred hryvnias and fifty kopecs..
- Here you are: one thousand dollars. Take the bill please: here is the sum of your hrivnias, here's current exchange rate, here is the sum of dollars received.
- Thanks
- You are welcome.
(Учні по черзі презентують свої діалоги)

V. Speaking Practice

T: Imagine that you have just got one million hrivnias. What would you do with the money?

Let's make a kind of minding map.(учні на дошці і в зошитах записують схему)

Exotic holidays
Spent on computer games
Fast car

a research organisation
Give...to a cancer research organization
for Chornobyl fund
a fund for veterans of war

Buy presents for my family
things I like, for example
lots of designer clothes
a big house with a swimming pool
a shop in Khreschatyk
a cottage near the sea

Organize an enormous party for everyone I know
Put in the bank to have 7% of interest
Invest in some project

VI. Group work

T: Each group will tell your opinion on the following:

What is the difference between the mottoes: "money is for life" and "life is for money"? Which of them do you support? Why?

Well done! Thank you.

VII. Lesson summary

T: Friends, our lesson is coming to an end. I'm happy to say we've done a good bit of work during the lesson. Etc.

VIII. Home Assignment

T: At home, please, write an essay on the topic "If I were a millionaire..." Use your imagination.

Автор: Юхимчук Світлана Миколаївна